About Ann


Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Ann has been a registered nurse for over 30 years with experience in community health systems and major Medical Centers including specializations in critical care, trauma, neurosurgery and neurology, and pulmonary and medical intensive care.

After earning a BSN from the University of Florida, her career began at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and continued in Virginia, before parting from the realm of traditional healthcare. 

Ann continued to ask herself, why people don’t heal? Through her studies in holistic health and with certification in Holistic Nursing and Coaching, she began to see things differently using her intuition to guide her.

Where has Ann been?


Neuroscience ICU and trauma

Intensive Care

Certified Holistic Nurse

Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Nurse mentor for the ANA

Medical-Surgical Nursing

Community Consultant

Local Care Coordinator

Case manager

Online mental health coach

Practical Nutrition Advisor

Healing Beyond Borders-Healing Touch International

Medical College of Virginia Neuroscience ICU